“Not everyone can fight Trumpism and Trumpists directly. But remember this: kindness, decency, and fidelity to American values are defiance in the face of Trumpism.
So be kind, decent, and faithful, particularly to the many kinds of people despised and attacked by Trumpists. That’s revolutionary.
It’s something anyone can do. Caring about whether something is true or not, and calling out lies, defies Trumpism. Treating people as humans even if Trumpists don’t think they are is defiance of Trumpism. Refusing to hate and revile Trumpists’ targets defies Trumpism. You can do that.
Fidelity to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and to us all being created equal and endowed with those rights, defies Trumpism. Caring about values and principles defies Trumpism (and also nihilists, but why should they care?). Affirming that how you act matters defies Trumpism.
The rule of law, equality before it, and freedom of expression, conscience, and worship defy Trumpism — whether or not some people have given up on them.
Openly caring about and adhering to values infuriates Trumpists. It spoils their joy. They will never be happy because of it. Keep doing it. Decency is a thumb in their eye.”